
I’m an MS graduate of Indiana University Bloomington, where I researched the relationship between arcus dentalis shape and molar size throughout the hominin lineage, focusing on the H. habilis-H. rudolfensis problem. My thesis found that the speed of change from a ∩-shape towards a parabolic arch sped up around 1.5 Ma, that dentes molares size and tooth row shape covary across human evolution, and that OH 7 likely belongs to a clade distinct from KNM-ER 1802 and OH 13.

My interests lie in Plio-Pleistocene anthropology, fossil reconstruction and morphology, and hominin phylogeny/cladistics. I have experience in prospecting, excavation, curation, and preparation with Pleistocene fossils from Tanzania and the Great Plains, Jurassic and Cretaceous fossils from the Western US, and 17th-20th century artifacts from the Mid-Atlantic.

"Basically, I have been compelled by curiosity."

- Mary Douglas Leakey


MS Geological Sciences ⋅ 2024 ⋅ Indiana University

BS Environmental Science 2020 ⋅ University of Lynchburg

MJDK public Curriculum Vitæ
MJDK public Rèsumè

photo credit: Jenna Kriley

land acknowledgement

The Paskattaway are recognized as the native inhabitants of Montgomery County.